About Me

From my earliest days, curiosity has been my guiding star. I used to be that child who was always disassembling electronics and toys to try to figure out how they worked. Naturally, my insatiable curiosity brought me to the field of computer science. The dynamic aspect of the software engineering sector is what draws me in. In this field, creativity is expected, and education is a lifelong friend.

Every line of code I write represents a venture into unknown terrain, a chance to work through challenging problems, and a chance to have a significant influence. Setting off on my path to become a software engineer, I'm eager to use cutting-edge technology and my natural curiosity to make a significant impact.

  • C#
    Console App & Windows Form
  • JavaScript
    Interactive Web Pages
  • HTML & CSS
    Designing and Syling Web Pages
  • SQL
    Managing Data, Management Systems
  • 2016 - 2020
    Lyttelton Manor High School
  • 2022 - Current
    BComp : Software Engineering

My Projects

Search & Sort Alogorithms

C# program that uses an array parameter to perform search and sorting algorithms. The application is menu-driven, allows the user to select their preferred option for sorting and searching

Password Strength Checker

C# program that evaluates the strength of an employees password based on the following criteria: Length.Contains Uppercase and Lowercase Letters.Contains Numbers.Contains Special Characters.No Spaces

Advanced LogIn/SignUp Page

When you enter data, the browser and/or the web server will check to see that the data is in the correct format and within the constraints set by the application.

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Contact Me



071 107 0038

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